ASPIRE in Schools
ASPIRE loves bringing creative arts experiences into the classroom and using them to assist wider learning and development of both students and teachers.
There is a number of options available for schools wishing to utilise the ASPIRE in Schools program, but the best idea is to get in touch and begin a conversation with the team about how Aspire can best help your teachers and students. Each school is different and may require a slightly different model which we are happy to adapt and design to each school’s unique context.
Contact us below or email
Creating an Original Performance
ASPIRE can provide teachers with assistance, advice and creative input in producing their school productions and events. This input can vary as per your school’s needs and can include support for all or one element of creative arts.
Each school has their strengths, and we are here to help showcase them with a little support along the way. Whether you wish to produce a play, musical, dance concert, band, or gallery event, ASPIRE is here to help.
Options for Support:
ASPIRE can support scriptwriting and song writing with a selected group of students on your school’s choice of themes. Workshops are tailored to school’s needs, along with the support with writing reflecting the student’s ideas and input. A selected group of interested students or even a class could be involved in this writing process through a series of further opportunities including online writing sessions.
We can assist staff with blocking and movement for performances and may offer advice on performance, voice and characterisation. ASPIRE will provide blocking notes for staff and schedules so they feel confident in continuing the rehearsal process. Multiple visits can be scheduled to assist depending on the needs of each school.
Our staff may provide workshops or advice on costuming, hair and make-up, props and set pieces or help with digital backdrops or other elements for the performance. ASPIRE can also provide support for lighting, sound, staging and WHS requirements. We can also provide access to our extensive costume/prop warehouse for schools to utilise.
Curriculum Support and Staff Development
All ASPIRE experiences for students are designed to be professional learning experiences for teachers. However, we can also offer targeted professional learning for teachers. Past programs include Music Toolbox (for non-specialist primary teachers), choral conducting, ensemble conducting, dance development, drama play building, and the Teacher as Artist program. ASPIRE could even provide a professional development day for all staff in Creative Arts shaped to your needs.
Our directors can also provide support with curriculum in your school including documentation, programming, scope and sequence, data and assessment and differentiated learning activities with a focus that integrates the other Creative Arts areas.
We offer support in the following subject areas: Music, Visual Art, Visual Design, Photography, and VET Entertainment Industry.
ASPIRE can provide tailor made projects and workshops for your class, year group, stage or whole school.
Reach out to one of our team members to start the conversation about what could work well for your students and teachers.
Some examples include:
- Art workshops- your choice of medium/theme
- Theatre- Costume/prop/set design and creation
- Create a mural for your school
- Performance Technique
- Different genres of theatre
- Script Preparation/Script writing
- Choreography
- Skills/styles
- Physical Theatre
- Song writing and recording
- Instrumental and Vocal Workshops
- Ensemble Support (choir/rock band/concert band
Production/VET Support:
- Lighting
- Sound
- Staging
- Work Experience/Work Placement
More Information
Contact The Team
Anna Kerrigan – Artistic Director –
Jessica Lopez – Musical Director –
Lara Crockett – Design Director –
Lauren Harvey – Dance Director –
Luke Baker – Production Manager –
Anne Atkins – Administrative Assistant –
Daniel Smith – ASPIRE Intern