Teaching is more than a job; it is a call to belonging to something that is bigger than us, it is noble and is crucially about the future.
Our Catholic schools are places where learning is valued, where excellent teaching is encouraged and where high expectations are rewarded.
Casual Teaching FAQs
Do I need to be Catholic to apply for Casual Teaching?
Applicants do not need to be Catholic to apply for a casual position.
How do I apply to work casually?
Please follow the relevant link below to submit an Expression of Interest. You will need to complete the online form and attach your cover letter and resume.
What is the application process to work casually?
- Complete the Expression on Interest
- If you are shortlisted, you will be issued with an Application Pack to complete.
- Screening Interview with Human Resources
- Pre-Employment Screening
- If you successfully satisfy the recruitment requirements you will be offered a contract for casual employment.
Do I need to sit a Screening Interview?
All candidates new to the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle are required to undergo a screening interview upon registration.
What documents do I need to supply to teach casually?
- University or College official final transcript of Academic Results indicating eligibility for the award (undergraduate students please supply unofficial transcript)
- Most recent Practicum Report (minimum 20 days) and interim official academic transcript (undergraduate students only)
- Statement(s) of Service must be provided within a term of commencement. Statements are required to show:
a) Commencement dates and Termination dates (DD/MM/YYYY)
b) Whether service was Full Time/Part Time or Casual
c) For Part Time or Casual- detailsof hours/days worked
d) If any Leave Without Pay taken, details on the number of days without pay
- Completion certificate Anaphylaxis training
- Identification
Do I need a Parish Priest Reference?
Senior or executive positions in our schools are required to have a Parish Priest reference.
Leader of Learning Religion also requires a Parish Priest reference.
All employees are required to make a commitment to work alongside the Parish in which their school is situated. This relationship commences through the recruitment process by a conversation with the parish leader.
You will also be required to participate in formation throughout your employment. Please see the Work, Teach and Lead document for further information here.
I’m still at University, when can I commence Teaching?
To be considered to teach casually with the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle its required that you:
- Obtain a teacher accreditation with NESA;
- Hold a valid employee Working with Children Check;
- Are in your final year of study of an accredited undergraduate or graduate entry teaching degree, with twenty (20) practical days recorded;
- Appropriately trained in Anaphylaxis.
What is a Statement of Service and why do I need to supply one?
A Statement of Service is the official record of your teaching service provided by a recognised school. This document provides us with the necessary information needed to determine your classification as a teacher under our Enterprise Agreement.
Statement(s) of Service must be provided within a term of commencement. Statements are required to show the following:
- a)Commencement dates and Termination dates (DD/MM/YYYY)
- b) Whether service was Full Time/Part Time or Casual
- c) For Part Time or Casual details of hours/days worked
- d) If any Leave Without Pay taken, details on the number of days without pay
Where can I complete my Anaphylaxis Certificate?
The Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle recommended training provider:
Do I need to provide certified copies of my Supporting Documents?
All identification and qualifications provided to the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle as part of your employment are required to be certified by a Justice of Peace.
I’m Secondary trained, can I apply for Primary teaching positions (and vice versa)?
In the Catholic Schools, Diocese of Maitland–Newcastle you can work across Primary and Secondary schools regardless of your qualified area on a casual basis ONLY.