All teachers and staff within the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are encouraged to undertake professional development throughout their career to further their education and improve career prospects.
If you are considering a role in senior leadership, see Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead to find out about the academic and faith formation qualifications required to work, teach and lead in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
Financial Support Offered by Catholic Schools
The Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle currently remunerates one-half (50%) of Accreditation to Teach Religion and Accreditation for Senior Leadership course fees for students who are undertaking approved courses of study in RE/Theology/Catholic Leadership and who are permanently employed part time or full time in diocesan schools.
Staff who have been permanently employed full time by the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle for at least 12 months who undertake other postgraduate study courses can receive fee assistance and study leave to complete study requirements, subject to Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle approval.
All programs of postgraduate study will be considered for financial support. Financial assistance will not be provided for postgraduate study if you have not advised the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle prior to commencing your study program.
Applicants must seek approval for financial assistance prior to commencement of study by completing the below form. This will enable the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle to offer advice on your planned program of study and approve your eligibility to claim for reimbursement of fees and study leave.
The Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle will contact you to advise if your application has been successful.
If approval to study is granted, applicants are eligible to apply for study leave of one day per unit per semester. Study leave must be taken in the semester of study and should not be accumulated. Some casual release is provided for those undertaking accreditation modules in Categories A to C – find out more here.
To claim reimbursement, staff will need to submit a copy of their transcript and receipt of payment of fees after successful completion of each unit.
Please note:
- Claims for reimbursement must be submitted within 2 years of completion of study.
- The Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle will only provide fee financial assistance for up to 12 units of postgraduate study per person.
- If you are considering a role in senior leadership, see the section on Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead on the CS website to find out about the academic and faith formation qualifications required (Categories D and E) in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
- The CS will contact you to discuss your postgraduate study options, to advise if your application has been
approved, and to advise how to claim reimbursement and take study leave if you are eligible. - In order to confirm your eligibility for postgraduate study fee help and study leave, please submit this form PRIOR to commencing your program of study. This will enable the CS to offer advice on your planned program of study and approve your eligibility to claim for reimbursement of fees and study leave
Please contact the School Improvement Team for further information about postgraduate study schoolimprovement@mn.catholic.edu.au.
Postgraduate Study Financial Assistance Application Form