Enrol online now

We recognise that this is one of the most important decisions as parents or carers, you will ever have to make. However, you can be rest assured that Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will offer your child a nurturing, supportive, and secure setting, enabling your child to grow and succeed academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally from Kindergarten to Year 12.

First time enrolling

If you’re a newcomer to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, please apply below.

Enrol now

Enrolling a sibling

If you already have a child enrolled in a Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle School, please apply below.

Enrol now

Changing schools

If your child is already attending a Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle School and you wish to enrol in another, please apply below.

Enrol now

More information 

How to enrol

Key Enrolment Dates 

The Enrolment process commences one year in advance for our Kindergarten, Year 7 and Year 11 intakes.

1 March 2024 – Enrolment period opens.

24 May 2024 – Initial enrolment period closes. (All applications must be submitted and completed by this date to be considered for the initial outcome notification).

24 May 2024 – Applications submitted after this date are only considered if there are available places (after initial enrolment offers) and on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the school and Principal.

14 June 2024 – Initial enrolment outcome notification – Letter of Enrolment Offer or Waitlist.

1 July 2024 – Initial enrolment offer acceptances due.


Check out the Compass Enrolment Module – guide for parents to help guide you through the easy application process.

Click here to access the guide. 

What is the enrolment process?

Step 1. Application submission
Families complete the enrolment application form, providing accurate and complete information about the student and their family with required supporting documentation uploaded or submitted before the deadline.

Step 2. Application review
Schools review the enrolment applications using the Enrolment Policy and supporting documentation.

Step 3. Enrolment decision and notification
Schools inform families of the enrolment decision by email.

What do I need to enrol?

To complete your application you’ll need the following enrolment support documents:

  • Birth Certificate (required)
  • Two documents verifying residential address (e.g. utility bill, rates notice, drivers licence, Centrelink, car registration) (required)
  • Immunisation History Statement (required)
  • Religious sacramental certificates – Baptism and Confirmation (if applicable)
  • Passport or Australian Citizenship (if applicable)
  • Visa (if applicable)
  • Family Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Academic Report Year 1-12 (if applicable)
  • Latest NAPLAN report (if applicable)

Does my child have to be Catholic to attend a Catholic school?

No. Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle schools are open to all who want to share its educational goal, inspired by Christian principles.

Will we need to attend a school interview?

Some schools within the Diocese conduct school interviews to determine the educational and wellbeing needs of the student, usually beginning in Term 1 and potentially continuing through to Term 3. You will be contacted with an invitation if your preferred school would like you to attend one.

How will my application be assessed?

All applications to Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Schools are assessed using the Enrolment Policy.

How old does my child have to be to enrol into Kindergarten?

Applicants for Kindergarten should turn 5 years of age by May 30 of the year of enrolment.

Do I need to add a 2nd or 3rd school preference in my online application?

2nd and 3rd preferences will generally not be considered.

What if I am unsuccessful in securing a place for my child at my preferred school?

If your application is unsuccessful, you may be offered a place on the waitlist or you may be referred to or offered a place in another school.

Can I pay my acceptance fee online?

Your school will send you details about how to pay your enrolment acceptance fee in order to accept your offer of enrolment.

Is my data safe?

All data you provide online is securely collected and kept confidential to ensure your privacy is protected in line with our Privacy Policy.

I’d like my child to change schools. Is it possible to enrol now?

Our key entry year levels are Kindergarten and Year 7. If you are seeking enrolment for a different year level, then please contact the specific school to discuss your needs. Applications for immediate commencement will be reviewed and actioned as soon as possible, provided there is a vacancy in the year required.

Applications outside the key enrolment timeline, generally February to May, are reviewed and actioned as soon as possible.

We are not Australian Citizens. Can my child enrol?

The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle welcomes enrolment applications from students on visas who share our Catholic faith and ethos. Schools will require copies of passports and visas to be able to process the application. At the present time, no students with a visa subclass 500 are able to be enrolled into diocesan Catholic schools.

How do I submit an enrolment application if I already have a Compass login?

Parents/carers with an existing Compass account will be able to use their login to create a new application. They can do this via the ‘Family and Enrolments’ section in their Compass App or visit the desired school’s enrolment webpage.

Do I need to accept any Terms and Conditions?

Prior to accepting a position at one of our schools, all parents are expected to read, agree and accept the Conditions of Enrolment. By agreeing to these terms in the enrolment application, parents indicate their acceptance of those Conditions.

What is the cost to apply to enrol my child?

There is no application fee. If your child is offered a place, a non-refundable acceptance fee is payable within two weeks of an enrolment being offered.

School Fees

Information about our fees can be found here.

I’ve accepted an enrolment offer, will there be orientation and transition sessions held?

Schools within the Diocese may conduct their own orientation/transition events in Term 3 or 4.

Enrolment Prioritisation Primary

If applications exceed places the enrolment prioritisation will be applied.

View Here

Enrolment Prioritisation Secondary

If applications exceed places the enrolment prioritisation will be applied.

View Here

Enrolment Policy

In recent years the Catholic Diocese has received unprecedented demand for school entry across our Diocesan schools. This demand, combined with the desire to offer families a pathway for their children from Kindergarten through to Year 12, has led to the Diocese revising and adjusting the Enrolment Policy.

View Here

CDMN Enrolment Pathways

The Diocese offers student pathways from Early Learning to Year 12.

View Here

Catchment Suburbs

Please refer to the catchment list to find your local Primary school based on your residential suburb.

View here

School Finder

Need Support? If you need further support please directly contact the school you are applying for. You can find their contact details using the school finder.